Trading conditions
General information
Sønderjysk Canoe rental
Large 3
6261 Bredebro
CVR no.: 43086944
Telephone: 31 53 11 78
All prices include VAT and other taxes.
At Sønderjysk canoe rental, we reserve the right for any errors in our stated prices. Furthermore, we reserve the right to change the prices without prior consent. Reservations are made for sold-out days.
Sønderjysk canoe rental accepts payment via MobilePay, Bank transfer or cash. All amounts are in DKK. Danish kroner and incl. VAT. We reserve the right to price errors.
If currency is to be converted to Euro, the following ratio will be used:
1 Euro = 7.5 DKK
Payment must be made before using the rented equipment.
All complaints must be received within 1 day after the end of the trip, if an assessment is to be made regarding reimbursement.
Sønderjysk Kanoodlejning cannot be responsible for complaints received in connection with the experience of the trip on the river, and we can refer to Tønder Municipality, which is responsible for the quality and maintenance of the river.
Sønderjysk Canoe Rental can be held responsible for complaints made against defects or faults in rented equipment.
The equipment that is rented that can be complained about.
- Canoe
- Vests
- paddles/oars
Sønderjysk canoe rental rents waterproof containers but cannot be held responsible for damaged items stored in the containers.
Soenderjysk Kanoudlejnining can cancel your booking at any time until a payment has been made.
If you wish to cancel a booking, you are allowed a full right of return if Sønderjysk Kanodudlejning deems that the trip is not responsible for carrying out the trip due to bad weather.
Right of withdrawal
You can cancel your booking up to 2 days before.
If you regret your booking, we will endeavor to pay you back via the same means with which you paid.
If less equipment than was booked has been used or must be used, no refunds or discounts can be made in the price if this has not been communicated before 08.00 on the day.
Personal data policy
In order for you to enter into an agreement with us and shop at Soenderjysk Kanoodlejning, we need the following information about you:
Phone number
Email address
Information about what you have purchased
We process your personal data for the purpose of being able to deliver the product to you and to be able to process inquiries regarding your purchase.